Our firm is ready to assist you with all of your corporate and business law needs. Our firm has helped hundreds of clients, from small, family-owned businesses to large multi-national corporations with thousands of employees. Whether you are wanting to buy, sell, restructure, start a new business, plan for the orderly succession of your current business, or simply enter into a commercial contract, our team would be happy to assist you.

We have experience in the following areas and would like to assist you with any of the following:

  • Buying/Selling a Business
  • Family Business Law
  • Business Succession
  • Incorporations
  • Corporate Reorganizations
  • Amalgamations
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (Private Companies)
  • Share Purchase and Sale Agreements
  • Asset Purchase and Sale Agreements
  • Commercial Contracts
  • Financing
  • Joint Ventures
  • Annual Corporate Maintenance

For Business Law inquiries:

Ally (x 249) – amarshall@greatlaw.ca

Summer (x 238) – smcmahon@greatlaw.ca